Tuesday, 22 October 2013


It turns out that there are lots of people reading a blog for the first time who are coming to this site for information. And then, they can't figure out how to get to it. If that sounds like you, here's help:

1. There are a lot of interviews. You can see (and click on) some of the popular ones on the right hand (your right hand) side bar (where there are titles and little pictures).

2. You can find interviews about things you are interested in by looking at the "Cloud" called Labels, which is also on the side bar. It's a lot of words in decreasing size order. If you click on one of those words, you will be taken to a group of interviews that have that word as a subject.

3. If you keep on scrolling down, still on the right hand side, your right hand side, you will see something called Blog Archive. In there, you can see all of the recent articles, but if you click on (let's say) September, it will show you the titles of all of the interviews from September.

4. At the bottom of the right hand side, you will see a list of resources for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Jews who are also frum. you can get to these resources by clicking on them. Many of those sites have other contacts and information for you.

5. Within the interviews, anytime you see coloured (usually blue) text, if you click on it, it will take you to a helpful link, usually organizations or articles having to do with frum gay Jews.

6. My email address is hiddenjews@gmail.com. it's listed at the top of the page, and if you click on it there, it will take you directly to email.

Happy reading!

 Now you are one of the cool Jews.

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